Firenze Is Just A Swiss Air Flight Away

Ahhhh… Florence! How I look forward to getting lost!

So I talked about and I balked about it and then I just flat cried about it. Now I’ve really gone and done it. I quit my job hairstyling, signed up for Italian language classes and bought a ticket. I have an appointment with the Los Angeles Italian Consulate in a week to find out if I am worthy of a student visa for 1 year. (Apparently, according to the horrid woman I have been forced to deal with, this is a ‘want’ and not a ‘need’.) I have to say that this is a WHOLE entire topic on it own. And I’m taking my blind Italian Greyhound “Shane” with me! Now I just have to decide what to do with my blog?

I’m going to find an apartment riiiight… there… just to the right… see it???

Should I keep it as it is? People have asked me if I am going to do hair once I get there and honestly, I have no idea! If I do find the time to get a job I am only allowed to work 20 hours. The school I’m going to, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci seems pretty intense. I guess I won’t actually know until I get there will I?

Don’t cry honey… I’ll be there soon!

So I guess I am going to ask my few fans… And any other person who is foolish enough to read this blog… WHAT SHOULD I DOOOO??? I guess I can still make fun of people and their poor hair choices and tell stories that pertain to my career in the past. I’ve definitely got a few of those left, some pretty good ones. Like working with gay men and what a really bad receptionist is compared to a really good receptionist. Sure to piss many a fag and a fag hag off… btw… I love my gays. (But only mine.) I highly doubt I am ever going to win any friendship awards with this blog… if I really cared I wouldn’t write it would I?? What is a blog but a public diary of sorts and I certainly would lie to my diary so why start now?

YES! I will be driving around like this too!

So friends and fans… If you have any suggestions on how to handle this blog predicament, write to me! I am all eyes!